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The complete 2021 SAP Resume Guide with 15+ Resume

SAP FICO Training in Delhi
  1. Readability and formatting of the SAP Resume should be perfect.

The most common mistake that many SAP consultants do is to not focus on very small formatting and readability elements on their SAP Resume. SAP fico online training provides you best tips to improve the readability so that your SAP Resume can be stand out. These tips include:

  • Bold and elaborated job title
  • Addition of bullet points
  • Underlining
  • Bold text
  • Colored text

To add stand-out elements by SAP FICO Online training will assist you to keep the key points of your SAP Resume focused while screening.

  1. The first page should summarize all key points to attract the reader.

As it is a famous quote that “First impression is the last impression”. SAP fico training in Noida demands the same quote in this resume guide. One should create his first page of SAP resume in such an attractive and eye-catching way to grab the attention of the readers. It should cover all the key information in a concise and comprehensive manner. It works the same as a product is displayed on the counter of a shop attracts the buyers most.

  1. Upgradation of SAP Resume according to job requirements is a must.

Usually, people used to make SAP resumes once and use them for applying for multiple jobs of different nature. SAP fico training in Delhi recommends you upgrade your SAP resume before applying for any job as per the specified requirements of that vacancy. It requires only a few simple changes and not the whole resume.

  1. Proper arrangement of all the sections is a master key.

The arrangement is a key factor for sections of SAP resume to give it an effective and impressive look. SAP fico training in Delhi suggests you add all required sections in a proper sequence. You can add document title, personal information, profile summary, skills, experience, qualification, and certifications, references, and hobbies/interests respectively.

  1. Choose a proper length for your resume.

Generally, there are many opinions regarding the length of the SAP resume. But the key point is that it should be concise and comprehensive at the same time including all the technical details. To follow all the SAP modules, SAP submodules, SAP-related tools, and other SAP methods and add them into outlines of your SAP resume is a better option. You are required to mention your previous SAP projects brief in it including your job role.


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