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How To Get Started with the MERN Stack

MERN Stack Online Training | MERN Stack Training in Noida | MERN Stack Training in Delhi


Node.js and MongoDB form the core of the MERN stack. Modern single-page web apps can be built with MERN, a JavaScript stack. MERN Stack Online Training is easily available.


  • Node.js is required to finish this tutorial.
  • To use MongoDB locally, follow the installation instructions; although this tutorial will not go into how to do so, it is left as-is for education.
  • Using a Postman, Insomnia, or VS CODE extension such as ThunderClient to test API endpoints.

Step 1: Installing and Configuring the Program

Let’s begin with the basics. Your local system has a simple spot where you can establish a new file directory in your terminal. Mern-todo is the name given to it in this example.

Step 2: Setup of the Node Server

It would help if you had a server that could compile your JavaScript code on the backend.

There are two approaches to building the server: Node’s built-in HTTP module or the Express.js framework.

Step 3: Creating the Routes

The app must accomplish three things

The todo app will be dependent on routes that identify numerous endpoints for each task. So let’s create a folder called routes and add api.js to it.

Step 4: Defining the Models

Then comes the fun part. We need to construct a model and a schema because the project will be using MongoDB, a NoSQL database. The schema interface is used to define models. Each document’s fields, validation rules, and default values can be specified using a schema.

Step 5: Establishing a Database Connection

You’ll need a database to keep track of your information. You’ll need mLab for this task. To get started with mLab, refer to the included documentation.

Step 6: The API is tested

This is the point at which we begin testing your RESTful API. API development clients can be used to test your code while your front end is still under development.

Step 7: Creating the Frontend

Now that you’ve built the API to your satisfaction, it’s time to design an interface that lets clients communicate with it. Start by using the command line tool create-react-app to build your app’s front end.

Step 8: Executing the React App

Several dependencies must be placed in the root directory of the React app before it can be tested. These are all steps you can learn MERN if you join MERN Stack Training in Delhi.

Creating the React Components is the final step in the process.

Using React, you may reuse and modularize your code thanks to its use of reusable components. There will be two state components and one stateless component in your to-do application.


If you want to do MERN Stack Training in Noida then consider ShapeMySkills Pvt Ltd institute. Js-based backend connects with a React-based frontend application you created using React. To store tasks, you also built a MongoDB backend.


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