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How to Add a Favicon to Your Django Site

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Favicon stands for “favourite icon.” It is an icon that represents the page or site and should be used by the user agent when showing the page in the user interface. You can get more details about Favicon by joining Django Training institute.

Create custom favicon

You can use a custom favicon image you made to make a free ICO file on several websites. They recommend because it lets you see previews of pictures and gives you a choice of file formats.

Create generic favicon

You can also use the favicon icon generator on to turn large images (up to 5 MB) into square favicons without adding acceptable margins.

This site also works well if you want to fix the Django favicon error by adding a generic favicon but don’t have a custom favicon.

Download favicon

You can upload the image you want to use, check out how the favicon looks on different devices, make the icon, and then download the folder or file that has been compressed.

They only need the ICO file for what they want to do. Unzip the folder on your Desktop or somewhere else easy to get to so that you can quickly add the favicon to your Django project in the next step.

Django needs a favicon.

Where the favicon file goes

Since the favicon file is a static image, it is usually added to your Django static folder.

Create a Django static images folder

  1. If you haven’t already, make a new static folder in your project directory, not the app folder.
  2. If you haven’t already, make a new folder called “IMG” inside the “static” folder.
  3. Look on your Desktop for the ICO file you saved.
  4. Copy the favicon.ico file and save it in the static > IMG folder.

Check out the article Manage Django Static Files if these instructions are hard to understand or if you don’t know how to add static images to your Django project.

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Get favicon from URL

Next, they need to add a URL path that calls the favicon.ico file.

So, when the browser looks for the /favicon. Icon slug will see the image instead of the favicon.ico 404 error.

Add the favicon.ico path

Import static file storage and the Django Redirect View from the proper Django directories. Then you should add the path to the favicon to the list of URL patterns.

This path will send you to the ICO file in the static > IMG folder, where the Django project’s favicon is kept. May the way you set up your favicon be as easy as possible, but no easier. To learn perfectly join ShapeMySkills pvt ltd Institute for Django Training in Noida.



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