SAP FI / CO (Finance / Control) is the very pillar on which SAP made its name. It is an excellent application for financial related activities and is one of the most popular products. This leads to a very high number of organizations already using it and a steady number of organizations using it as their financial software. This automatic translation has been a good and consistent requirement for FI / CO specialists.
If you do not have a background in finance and accounting, I highly recommend taking courses – not on FI / CO but on basic financial and financial principles. Such a background will help you learn and understand the concepts of FI / CO and will contribute to your success as a consultant.
The future of FI / CO workers looks bleak. As you begin your career, the learning curve will be huge and you should be as understanding as possible. Improve your knowledge of the conditions and flow of transactions, and move on to configuration information. Understand why a particular construction process is comparable to a particular industry or line of business. When you are done with the program, go to the design analysis – how to build it, or why it is built. If you are in a startup project you will be part of the construction and configuration, but if you are in a support project, you need to spend some time outside of your normal job to understand the concepts and reasons for the construction. Also, once you have reached a certain level of confidence, get access to the IDES system and build your own setup to do.
In addition to the core app, many new applications (such as Simple Finance based on HANA) come in related formats, and if you can build a solid foundation in FI / CO you can also consider acquiring skills, which will further enhance your profile.